Needs an Overall Headline

By Karen Van Hentenryck, HL7 International Executive Administrative Director

Membership Report

HL7 saw a downward trend in membership during 2023. We attribute the loss of members to two major factors:
  • Financial cutbacks following the pandemic
  • Mergers/acquisitions in the industry
The launch of HL7’s new customer relationship management (CRM) system also affected membership renewals as members were not used to the automated renewal message from our CRM versus those from our membership director in previous years. We expect renewals to improve in the coming year as members get used to the new CRM and staff become adept at using the many features of the CRM.
The table below summarizes membership trends over the last year.
A total of 66 new organizations joined HL7 in 2023, 15 being reactivations of previous members who had expired. 101 org members did not renew in 2023.
Total revenue from all forms of membership was $2,961,297 in 2023 vs.$3,578,197 in 2022.

Volunteers of the Year

In 2023, HL7 recognized four volunteers for their dedicated service to HL7. This year marks the 26th year that we have recognized such individuals via the W. Ed Hammond, PhD HL7 Volunteer of the Year Awards. Established in 1997, the award is named after Dr. Ed Hammond, one of HL7’s most active volunteers and a founding member as well as serving as HL7 Board Chair for three terms. The recipients of the 2023 HL7 Volunteer of the Year Awards included:
  • Rob Hausam, MD, FHL7, Hausam Consulting LLC
  • Mark Jaczewski, MD, President & CEO, Medical Networks, LLC
  • Rob McClure, MD, Retired member
  • Lisa Nelson, Principal Informaticist, ADVault, Inc.
Many thanks to these individuals for their contributions to HL7, and congratulations on being selected for this well-deserved award.

HL7 Fellows Class of 2023

The HL7 Fellowship program recognizes individuals with outstanding commitment and sustained contributions to HL7 with at least 15 years of active membership. The award name was officially changed in memory of HL7 founding member John Quinn, who served as the organization’s second Board Chair, the long-time Chair of the Technical Steering Committee, and the first Chief Technology Officer. During HL7’s 37th Plenary meeting, HL7 honored seven recipients of the John Quinn HL7 Fellowship Award. They are listed below:
  • Adam Chee, Chair, HL7 Singapore
  • Carmela Couderc, Clinical Integration Specialist, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
  • Suzanne Gonzales-Webb, Senior Project Manager, Cognitive Medical Systems, Inc.
  • Charles Jaffe, MD, Chair, HL7 International
  • Joginder Madra, President, Madra Consulting Inc.
  • Mitra Rocca, Senior Medical Informatician, FDA
  • Daniel Vreeman, DPT, MS, FHL7, Chief Standards Development Officer, HL7 International

Recognition of Service

The success of the HL7 community is dependent on the contributions of members who volunteer their time across the organization, both in leadership roles and in the work of the work groups. We have numerous co-chairs, too many to list here, that organize and keep the work of our work groups moving forward, and we thank each of them for their hours of service.

Long-time Members

The following members are recognized for their many years of membership in and service to HL7:

Member for more than 30 years

  • Hans Buitendijk, FHL7
  • Gary Dickinson, FHL7
  • W. Ed Hammond, PhD, FHL7
  • Ted Klein FHL7
  • Virginia Lorenzi, FHL7
  • Clem McDonald, MD, FHL7
  • Charles Meyer, FHL7
  • Douglas Pratt, FHL7

Member for 25-29 years

  • Liora Alschuler, FHL7
  • Bernd Blobel, PhD, FHL7
  • Philip Caillouet, PhD
  • Durwin Day
  • Ray Duncan
  • Carl Dvorak
  • Peter Haug
  • Stan Huff, MD, FHL7
  • Tony Julian, FHL7
  • Chris Melo
  • Karen Nocera
  • Frank Oemig, FHL7
  • Vassil Peytchev, FHL7
  • AbdulMalik Shakir, FHL7
  • Rene Spronk, FHL7
  • Timo Tarhonen, FHL7
  • Franklin Wilcox

Long-time Affiliates

HL7 affiliates also play an important role in the success of the organization’s use of HL7 standards and educating professionals on how to implement such standards around the globe. We thank all our members in leadership positions for their invaluable contributions to HL7. Congratulations to the following affiliates who have been in operation for more than 20 years:
  • HL7 Australia
  • HL7 Brazil
  • HL7 Canada
  • HL7 China
  • HL7 Croatia
  • HL7 Finland
  • HL7 Germany
  • HL7 India
  • HL7 Japan
  • HL7 Korea
  • HL7 Netherlands
  • HL7 New Zealand
  • HL7 Switzerland
  • HL7 Taiwan
  • HL7 UK

Long Serving Staff

We also thank the many staff members who have supported HL7 for at least 15 years:
  • Lynn Laakso (16)
  • Dave Hamill (17)
  • Mary Ann Boyle (18)
  • Andrea Ribick (18)
  • Linda Jenkins (19)
  • Anne Wizauer (23)
  • Karen Van Hentenryck (27)
  • Mark McDougall (32)

Mark McDougall Retirement

Mark McDougall retired as Executive Director of HL7 on December 31, 2023, after 32 years of service. He helped grow the organization from a very humble beginning to the international organization it is today. We thank and honor Mark for his many years of service to HL7 and wish him all the best in his retirement.

Board Election Results

During HL7’s annual business meeting in September 2023, the results of the Board elections were announced for the HL7 Board of Director positions listed below. New Board members serve two-year terms beginning January 2024 through December 2025.
The recent HL7 Board election results are as follows:
  • Treasurer: John Hatem, FHL7, Interim Cospecialty Director of Healthcare Informatics, University of Colorado, College of Nursing, Anshutz Medical Campus.
  • Director: Josh Mandel, MD, Chief Architect, SMART Health IT; Chief Architect, Microsoft
  • Director: Marjorie Rallins, DPM, Executive Director, LOINC, Regenstrief Institute
  • Affiliate Director: Giorgio Cangioli, PhD, Technical Lead, HL7 Europe; vice chair, HL7 Italy
  • Affiliate Director: Fernando Campos, FHL7, Chair, HL7 Argentina; Software Engineering Area Chief, Health Informatics Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Thank you and congratulations to these members for their service on the HL7 Board of Directors.

HL7 Technical Steering Committee Elections

Those elected to the HL7 Technical Steering Committee for the 2023-2024 term:
  • TSC Chair-Elect: Rick Geimer, FHL7, Chief Innovation Officer, Lantana Consulting Group
  • TSC Affiliate Representative: Alexander Zautke, Chief Technology Officer, HL7 Germany; Product Manager – Firely Server, Firely
  • TSC Implementer Representative: Jeff Brown, Healthcare Standards Advisory, Lantana Consulting Group
  • Work Group Representative: Riki Merrick, FHL7, Lead Specialist, Informatics Terminology, Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)
  • Work Group Representative: Lloyd McKenzie, FHL7, Chief Standards Officer, Dogwood Health Consulting; Principal Consultant, LM&A Consulting Ltd.

HL7 International Council Co-Chairs Elections

One member was elected as the co-chair of the HL7 International Council for the 2024-2025 term:
  • Ron Parker, FHL7, HL7 Canada; Principal Consultant, Parker Digital Health Consulting Inc.

Meetings Report

January FHIR Connectathon and Working Group Meeting

In 2023, we met in person at the Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort and Spa in Henderson, NV. A total of 318 attended the Connectathon and 333 attended the WGM.

May FHIR Connectathon and Working Group Plus (WGM+ ) and Working Group Meeting

The May WGM was held at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans, LA. This was our first Working Group Meeting Plus (WGM+) event where we held the working group meeting concurrently with other content that was designed to appeal to those not necessarily interested in standard development. The WGM+ part of the program was also offered virtually. A total of 349 attended the Connectathon while a total of 449 attended the WGM and WG+ event. Of the 449 participants that attended the WGM/WGM+, 49 of them attended virtually. The WGM+ event was very successful. In the future, we hope to offer the WGM+ at a time that does not conflict with the work group portion of the event, as many individuals wanted to attend both.

FHIR DevDays in June 6-9

DevDays 2023 was a hybrid event, with the in-person meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DevDays, whether held in the US or The Netherlands, is always a fun and exciting event. 350 participants attended in-person, and another 192 attended virtually for a total of 542 participants.
A recap of DevDays2023 can be found here: DevDays 2023 – DevDays

37th Annual Plenary & Working Group Meeting

The September Connectathon and the 37th annual Plenary and WGM were held at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, in Phoenix, AZ. The theme of the plenary meeting was AI in Healthcare: Opportunities & Challenges.
There were several intriguing plenary presentations provided on Monday morning, including the following:
  • Peter Lee, PhD, Corporate Vice President, Research & Incubations, Microsoft
  • John Halamka, MD, MS, President, Mayo Clinic Platform
  • Government Panel, which included:
    • Steve Posnack, MS, MHS, Deputy National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)
    • Jose Galvez MD, Deputy Director of Strategic Programs, FDA
    • Colonel Thomas Cantilina, MD, Defense Health Agency Chief Health Informatics Officer
  • Michael Pencina, Vice Dean for Data Sci3nce; Chief Data Scientist, Duke
  • Kenneth Goodman, PhD, Director Ethics Programs, Director Institute for Ethics and Health Policy, University of Miami
  • HL7 AI Standards – Laying the Foundation session which included the following speakers:
    • Gary Dickinson FHL7, EHR Work Group Co-Chair, Co-Facilitator of the AI Focus Team
    • Mark Janczewski MD, EHR Work Group Co-Chair, Co-Lead of the AI Data Lifecycle Project
A total of 339 participants attended the Connectathon in Phoenix, while 415 attended the Working Group Meeting.

Education Report

Online Classes

A total of 13 online classes were offered in 2023, including the following:
  • Applied FHIR for Designers
  • Clinical Quality Language
  • HL7 FHIR by Trial
  • HL7 FHIR for Healthcare Information Analysts
  • HL7 FHIR in the Clouds
  • HL7 FHIR Profiling
  • HL7 FHIR Terminology
  • How to Exchange Data between EHR Systems
  • Applied HL7 FHIR Questionnaire and Structured Data Capture
  • Referrals and Orders: How to Ask for Stuff in FHIR
  • SMART on FHIR & CDS Hooks


The following six webinars were offered in 2023, serving 1,026 students:
  • FHIR 101 for the Policy Committee: March 30
  • Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) – the largest digital health initiative in India” – March 29
  • Global Spotlight: Marching Forward – Interoperability and Standards for Better Health – October 12 (part of World Standards Week)
  • Series of three Co-Chair Training: How to be an Effective Co-Chair
    • Leading through Facilitation
    • Navigating HL7 Processes for Work Groups Co-Chairs
    • Reflect and Review Your Co-chair role
  • TSC Updates: June and October
  • HL7 FHIR: The Future of Interoperability. Now. A series of 10 webinars from our Executives
We also offered one sponsored webinar in 2023 titled Data Quality in Healthcare: How FHIR Profiles Can Help. Sponsored by Edenlab in Ukraine, this webinar attracted 832 registrants (not included in the 1,026 total above).

Asynchronous Courses

The following asynchronous courses were offered in 2023, serving 1,097 students:
  • HL7 Fundamentals in February, May and September
  • HL7 FHIR Fundamentals in April, July and September
  • HL7 FHIR Intermediate in February, June and September
  • HL7 FHIR Proficiency in March, June and September
  • V2 to FHIR Mapping Course in May and September

Education on Demand

Education on Demand refers to several courses that the community can access from their own workstations. These may be free recordings from our HIMSS booth of presentations provided as part of our Working Group Meetings or other events, or they may be courses available for purchase, as they are recordings of paid webinars. A total of 706 users accessed HL7’s Education on Demand during 2023.

CMS HL7 FHIR Connectathon

HL7 hosted the CMS Connectathon July 18-20, 2023. There were 14 tracks in this very successful Connectathon, which included 85 speakers and 606 participants.

HL7 FHIR Security Event

HL7 held its first FHIR Security event August 8-9, 2023. Organization by our Implementation Division, this educational offering provided two tracks, one for the general audience and another for developers. This very successful event included 33 speakers, and 176 registrations.

Total Revenue from Meetings

As summarized in the table below, our educational offerings are a key revenue stream for the organization

Total Revenue from Member, Meetings and Education

Revenue Source Revenue Generated in 2023
Membership $2,961,297
Meetings & Events $1,411,902
Education $1,114,104
TOTAL $5,487,303

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